Gene |
g |
Gene synonym |
gs |
Ensembl |
eg |
Gene description |
gd |
Uniprot |
up |
Chromosome |
chr |
Position |
chrp |
Protein class |
pc |
Biological process |
upbp |
Molecular function |
up_mf |
Disease involvement |
di |
Evidence |
pe |
HPA evidence |
evih |
UniProt evidence |
eviu |
NeXtProt evidence |
evin |
RNA tissue specificity |
rnats |
RNA tissue distribution |
rnatd |
RNA tissue specificity score |
rnatss |
RNA tissue specific nTPM |
rnatsm |
RNA single cell type specificity |
rnascs |
RNA single cell type distribution |
rnascd |
RNA single cell type specificity score |
rnascss |
RNA single cell type specific nTPM |
rnascsm |
RNA cancer specificity |
rnacas |
RNA cancer distribution |
rnacad |
RNA cancer specificity score |
rnacass |
RNA cancer specific FPKM |
rnacasm |
RNA brain regional specificity |
rnabrs |
RNA brain regional distribution |
rnabrd |
RNA brain regional specificity score |
rnabrss |
RNA brain regional specific nTPM |
rnabrsm |
RNA blood cell specificity |
rnabcs |
RNA blood cell distribution |
rnabcd |
RNA blood cell specificity score |
rnabcss |
RNA blood cell specific nTPM |
rnabcsm |
RNA blood lineage specificity |
rnabls |
RNA blood lineage distribution |
rnabld |
RNA blood lineage specificity score |
rnablss |
RNA blood lineage specific nTPM |
rnablsm |
RNA cell line specificity |
rnacls |
RNA cell line distribution |
rnacld |
RNA cell line specificity score |
rnaclss |
RNA cell line specific nTPM |
rnaclsm |
RNA tissue cell type enrichment |
rtcte |
RNA mouse brain regional specificity |
rnambrs |
RNA mouse brain regional distribution |
rnambrd |
RNA mouse brain regional specificity score |
rnambrss |
RNA mouse brain regional specific nTPM |
rnambrsm |
RNA pig brain regional specificity |
rnapbrs |
RNA pig brain regional distribution |
rnapbrd |
RNA pig brain regional specificity score |
rnapbrss |
RNA pig brain regional specific nTPM |
rnapbrsm |
Antibody |
ab |
Reliability (IH) |
relih |
Reliability (Mouse Brain) |
relmb |
Reliability (IF) |
relce |
Subcellular location |
scl |
Secretome location |
secl |
Secretome function |
secl |
CCD Protein |
ccdp |
CCD Transcript |
ccdt |
Blood concentration - Conc. blood IM [pg/L] |
blconcia |
Blood concentration - Conc. blood MS [pg/L] |
blconcms |
Blood expression cluster |
ecblood |
Tissue expression cluster |
ectissue |
Brain expression cluster |
ecbrain |
Cell line expression cluster |
eccellline |
Single cell expression cluster |
ecsinglecell |
Interactions |
interactions |
Subcellular main location |
scml |
Subcellular additional location |
scal |
Antibody RRID |
abrr |
Pathology prognostics - Breast cancer |
prognostic_breast_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Cervical cancer |
prognostic_cervical_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Colorectal cancer |
prognostic_colorectal_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Endometrial cancer |
prognostic_endometrial_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Glioma |
prognostic_glioma |
Pathology prognostics - Head and neck cancer |
prognostic_head_and_neck_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Liver cancer |
prognostic_liver_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Lung cancer |
prognostic_lung_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Melanoma |
prognostic_melanoma |
Pathology prognostics - Ovarian cancer |
prognostic_ovarian_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Pancreatic cancer |
prognostic_pancreatic_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Prostate cancer |
prognostic_prostate_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Renal cancer |
prognostic_renal_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Stomach cancer |
prognostic_stomach_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Testis cancer |
prognostic_testis_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Thyroid cancer |
prognostic_thyroid_cancer |
Pathology prognostics - Urothelial cancer |
prognostic_urothelial_cancer |
TAU score - Tissue |
t_RNA__tau |
TAU score - Blood |
blood_RNA__tau |
TAU score - Brain |
brain_RNA__tau |
TAU score - Single Cell Type |
sc_RNA__tau |
Tissue RNA - adipose tissue [nTPM] |
t_RNA_adipose_tissue |
Tissue RNA - adrenal gland [nTPM] |
t_RNA_adrenal_gland |
Tissue RNA - amygdala [nTPM] |
t_RNA_amygdala |
Tissue RNA - appendix [nTPM] |
t_RNA_appendix |
Tissue RNA - basal ganglia [nTPM] |
t_RNA_basal_ganglia |
Tissue RNA - bone marrow [nTPM] |
t_RNA_bone_marrow |
Tissue RNA - breast [nTPM] |
t_RNA_breast |
Tissue RNA - cerebellum [nTPM] |
t_RNA_cerebellum |
Tissue RNA - cerebral cortex [nTPM] |
t_RNA_cerebral_cortex |
Tissue RNA - cervix [nTPM] |
t_RNA_cervix |
Tissue RNA - choroid plexus [nTPM] |
t_RNA_choroid_plexus |
Tissue RNA - colon [nTPM] |
t_RNA_colon |
Tissue RNA - duodenum [nTPM] |
t_RNA_duodenum |
Tissue RNA - endometrium 1 [nTPM] |
t_RNA_endometrium_1 |
Tissue RNA - epididymis [nTPM] |
t_RNA_epididymis |
Tissue RNA - esophagus [nTPM] |
t_RNA_esophagus |
Tissue RNA - fallopian tube [nTPM] |
t_RNA_fallopian_tube |
Tissue RNA - gallbladder [nTPM] |
t_RNA_gallbladder |
Tissue RNA - heart muscle [nTPM] |
t_RNA_heart_muscle |
Tissue RNA - hippocampal formation [nTPM] |
t_RNA_hippocampal_formation |
Tissue RNA - hypothalamus [nTPM] |
t_RNA_hypothalamus |
Tissue RNA - kidney [nTPM] |
t_RNA_kidney |
Tissue RNA - liver [nTPM] |
t_RNA_liver |
Tissue RNA - lung [nTPM] |
t_RNA_lung |
Tissue RNA - lymph node [nTPM] |
t_RNA_lymph_node |
Tissue RNA - midbrain [nTPM] |
t_RNA_midbrain |
Tissue RNA - ovary [nTPM] |
t_RNA_ovary |
Tissue RNA - pancreas [nTPM] |
t_RNA_pancreas |
Tissue RNA - parathyroid gland [nTPM] |
t_RNA_parathyroid_gland |
Tissue RNA - pituitary gland [nTPM] |
t_RNA_pituitary_gland |
Tissue RNA - placenta [nTPM] |
t_RNA_placenta |
Tissue RNA - prostate [nTPM] |
t_RNA_prostate |
Tissue RNA - rectum [nTPM] |
t_RNA_rectum |
Tissue RNA - retina [nTPM] |
t_RNA_retina |
Tissue RNA - salivary gland [nTPM] |
t_RNA_salivary_gland |
Tissue RNA - seminal vesicle [nTPM] |
t_RNA_seminal_vesicle |
Tissue RNA - skeletal muscle [nTPM] |
t_RNA_skeletal_muscle |
Tissue RNA - skin 1 [nTPM] |
t_RNA_skin_1 |
Tissue RNA - small intestine [nTPM] |
t_RNA_small_intestine |
Tissue RNA - smooth muscle [nTPM] |
t_RNA_smooth_muscle |
Tissue RNA - spinal cord [nTPM] |
t_RNA_spinal_cord |
Tissue RNA - spleen [nTPM] |
t_RNA_spleen |
Tissue RNA - stomach 1 [nTPM] |
t_RNA_stomach_1 |
Tissue RNA - testis [nTPM] |
t_RNA_testis |
Tissue RNA - thymus [nTPM] |
t_RNA_thymus |
Tissue RNA - thyroid gland [nTPM] |
t_RNA_thyroid_gland |
Tissue RNA - tongue [nTPM] |
t_RNA_tongue |
Tissue RNA - tonsil [nTPM] |
t_RNA_tonsil |
Tissue RNA - urinary bladder [nTPM] |
t_RNA_urinary_bladder |
Tissue RNA - vagina [nTPM] |
t_RNA_vagina |
Blood RNA - basophil [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_basophil |
Blood RNA - classical monocyte [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_classical_monocyte |
Blood RNA - eosinophil [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_eosinophil |
Blood RNA - gdT-cell [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_gdT-cell |
Blood RNA - intermediate monocyte [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_intermediate_monocyte |
Blood RNA - MAIT T-cell [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_MAIT_T-cell |
Blood RNA - memory B-cell [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_memory_B-cell |
Blood RNA - memory CD4 T-cell [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_memory_CD4_T-cell |
Blood RNA - memory CD8 T-cell [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_memory_CD8_T-cell |
Blood RNA - myeloid DC [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_myeloid_DC |
Blood RNA - naive B-cell [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_naive_B-cell |
Blood RNA - naive CD4 T-cell [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_naive_CD4_T-cell |
Blood RNA - naive CD8 T-cell [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_naive_CD8_T-cell |
Blood RNA - neutrophil [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_neutrophil |
Blood RNA - NK-cell [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_NK-cell |
Blood RNA - non-classical monocyte [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_non-classical_monocyte |
Blood RNA - plasmacytoid DC [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_plasmacytoid_DC |
Blood RNA - T-reg [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_T-reg |
Blood RNA - total PBMC [nTPM] |
blood_RNA_total_PBMC |
Brain RNA - amygdala [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_amygdala |
Brain RNA - basal ganglia [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_basal_ganglia |
Brain RNA - cerebellum [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_cerebellum |
Brain RNA - cerebral cortex [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_cerebral_cortex |
Brain RNA - choroid plexus [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_choroid_plexus |
Brain RNA - hippocampal formation [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_hippocampal_formation |
Brain RNA - hypothalamus [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_hypothalamus |
Brain RNA - medulla oblongata [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_medulla_oblongata |
Brain RNA - midbrain [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_midbrain |
Brain RNA - pons [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_pons |
Brain RNA - spinal cord [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_spinal_cord |
Brain RNA - thalamus [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_thalamus |
Brain RNA - white matter [nTPM] |
brain_RNA_white_matter |
Single Cell Type RNA - Adipocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Adipocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Alveolar cells type 1 [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Alveolar_cells_type_1 |
Single Cell Type RNA - Alveolar cells type 2 [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Alveolar_cells_type_2 |
Single Cell Type RNA - Astrocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Astrocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - B-cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_B-cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Basal keratinocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Basal_keratinocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Basal prostatic cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Basal_prostatic_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Basal respiratory cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Basal_respiratory_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Basal squamous epithelial cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Basal_squamous_epithelial_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Bipolar cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Bipolar_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Breast glandular cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Breast_glandular_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Breast myoepithelial cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Breast_myoepithelial_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Cardiomyocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Cardiomyocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Cholangiocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Cholangiocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Ciliated cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Ciliated_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Club cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Club_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Collecting duct cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Collecting_duct_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Cone photoreceptor cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Cone_photoreceptor_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Cytotrophoblasts [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Cytotrophoblasts |
Single Cell Type RNA - dendritic cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_dendritic_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Distal enterocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Distal_enterocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Distal tubular cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Distal_tubular_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Ductal cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Ductal_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Early spermatids [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Early_spermatids |
Single Cell Type RNA - Endometrial stromal cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Endometrial_stromal_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Endothelial cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Endothelial_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Enteroendocrine cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Enteroendocrine_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Erythroid cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Erythroid_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Excitatory neurons [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Excitatory_neurons |
Single Cell Type RNA - Exocrine glandular cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Exocrine_glandular_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Extravillous trophoblasts [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Extravillous_trophoblasts |
Single Cell Type RNA - Fibroblasts [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Fibroblasts |
Single Cell Type RNA - Gastric mucus-secreting cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Gastric_mucus-secreting_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Glandular and luminal cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Glandular_and_luminal_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - granulocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_granulocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Granulosa cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Granulosa_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Hepatocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Hepatocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Hofbauer cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Hofbauer_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Horizontal cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Horizontal_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Inhibitory neurons [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Inhibitory_neurons |
Single Cell Type RNA - Intestinal goblet cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Intestinal_goblet_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Ionocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Ionocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Kupffer cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Kupffer_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Langerhans cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Langerhans_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Late spermatids [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Late_spermatids |
Single Cell Type RNA - Leydig cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Leydig_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Lymphatic endothelial cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Lymphatic_endothelial_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Macrophages [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Macrophages |
Single Cell Type RNA - Melanocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Melanocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Mesothelial cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Mesothelial_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Microglial cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Microglial_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - monocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_monocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Mucus glandular cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Mucus_glandular_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Muller glia cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Muller_glia_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - NK-cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_NK-cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Oligodendrocyte precursor cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Oligodendrocyte_precursor_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Oligodendrocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Oligodendrocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Oocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Oocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Ovarian stromal cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Ovarian_stromal_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Pancreatic endocrine cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Pancreatic_endocrine_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Paneth cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Paneth_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Peritubular cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Peritubular_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Plasma cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Plasma_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Prostatic glandular cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Prostatic_glandular_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Proximal enterocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Proximal_enterocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Proximal tubular cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Proximal_tubular_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Rod photoreceptor cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Rod_photoreceptor_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Salivary duct cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Salivary_duct_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Schwann cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Schwann_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Secretory cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Secretory_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Serous glandular cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Serous_glandular_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Sertoli cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Sertoli_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Skeletal myocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Skeletal_myocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Smooth muscle cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Smooth_muscle_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Spermatocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Spermatocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Spermatogonia [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Spermatogonia |
Single Cell Type RNA - Squamous epithelial cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Squamous_epithelial_cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Suprabasal keratinocytes [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Suprabasal_keratinocytes |
Single Cell Type RNA - Syncytiotrophoblasts [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Syncytiotrophoblasts |
Single Cell Type RNA - T-cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_T-cells |
Single Cell Type RNA - Undifferentiated cells [nTPM] |
sc_RNA_Undifferentiated_cells |
Cell line RNA - HCC1576 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_adrenocortical_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HuCC-T1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bile_duct_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HuH-28 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bile_duct_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1079 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bile_duct_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1196 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bile_duct_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-245 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bile_duct_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-478 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bile_duct_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-869 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bile_duct_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 253J [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 253J-BV [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 5637 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 639V [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 647V [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BC-3C [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BFTC-905 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-29 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HT-1197 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HT-1376 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - J82 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JMSU-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KMBC-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KU-19-19 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RT-112 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RT-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SCaBER [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SLR20 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW1710 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW780 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - T24 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TCCSUP [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - U-BLC1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - UM-UC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - UM-UC-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - VM-CUB-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 143B [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-673 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CADO-ES1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-78 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EW-8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EWS-502 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - G-292 clone A141B1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HOS [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JJ012 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MG-63 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MHH-ES-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RD-ES [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SaOS-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SJSA-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-ES-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-N-MC [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-NEP-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-PN-DW [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW1353 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TC-71 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - U2OS [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_bone_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 42-MG-BA [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 8-MG-BA [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-1207 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-172 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - AM-38 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAS-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CCF-STTG1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CH-157MN [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - D283 Med [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - D341 Med [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Daoy [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DBTRG-05MG [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DK-MG [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - GAMG [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - GB-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - GI-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - GMS-10 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - GOS-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - H4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 683 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - IOMM-Lee [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KALS-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KG-1-C [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KNS-42 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KNS-60 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KNS-81 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KPL-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KS-1 [Human glioblastoma] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-18 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-215 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-229 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-235 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-308 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-319 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-340 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-382 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-428 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-443 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LN-464 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - M059K [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 111 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 118 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 120 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 121 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 122 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 124 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 130 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 140 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 22 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 28T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 44 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 59 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 61 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCE-G 84 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NMC-G1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ONS-76 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SF126 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SF172 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SF268 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SF295 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SF539 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNB-75 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1105 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-201 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-466 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-489 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-626 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-738 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW1088 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW1783 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - T98G [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TM-31 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - U-118MG [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - U-138MG [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - U-178MG [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - U-251MG [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - U-343MGa [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - U-87MG ATCC [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - YH-13 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - YKG-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_brain_cancer |
Cell line RNA - AU565 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BT-20 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BT-474 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BT-483 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BT-549 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-120 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-148 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-51 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-85-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAMA-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DU4475 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EFM-19 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EFM-192A [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Evsa-T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1143 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1187 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1395 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1419 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1428 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1493 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1500 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1569 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1599 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1806 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1937 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1954 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC202 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2157 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2218 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2688 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2911 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC38 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC70 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HDQ-P1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HMC-1-8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 578T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JIMT-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KPL-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MCF-7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-134-VI [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-157 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-175-VII [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-231 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-330 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-361 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-415 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-436 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-453 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-468 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MFM-223 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MX-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-BR-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SUM1315MO2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SUM149PT [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SUM159PT [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SUM52PE [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - T-47d [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - UACC-812 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - UACC-893 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - YMB-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ZR-75-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ZR-75-30 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_breast_cancer |
Cell line RNA - C-33 A [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_cervical_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Ca Ski [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_cervical_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1482 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_cervical_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HeLa [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_cervical_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ME-180 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_cervical_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MS751 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_cervical_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SF767 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_cervical_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SiHa [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_cervical_cancer |
Cell line RNA - C170 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - C2BBe1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CACO-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CaR-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CCK-81 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CL-11 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CL-14 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CL-34 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CL-40 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 201 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 206F [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 320 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 320DM [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 678 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CW-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - GP2d [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCA7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC-56 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1263 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCT 116 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCT 15 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HT-29 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HT-55 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HT115 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KM12 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LoVo [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LS1034 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LS123 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LS180 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LS411N [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LS513 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDST8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H508 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H684 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H716 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H747 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OUMS-23 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RCM-1 [Human rectal adenocarcinoma] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RKO [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-CO-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1033 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1040 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1197 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-175 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-283 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-407 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-503 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-61 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-81 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-C1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-C2A [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-C4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-C5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW1116 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW1417 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW1463 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW403 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW48 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW480 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW620 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW837 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW948 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - T84 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_colorectal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 680N [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EC-GI-10 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JH-EsoAd1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KYSE-140 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KYSE-150 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KYSE-180 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KYSE-270 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KYSE-30 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KYSE-410 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KYSE-450 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KYSE-510 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KYSE-520 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KYSE-70 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OE19 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OE21 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OE33 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - T.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TE-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TE-10 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TE-11 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TE-14 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TE-15 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TE-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TE-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TE-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TE-8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TE-9 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_esophageal_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-308 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gallbladder_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 23132/87 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - AGS [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ECC10 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ECC12 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Fu97 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - GCIY [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - GSS [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - GSU [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - GTL-16 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HGC-27 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 746.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HuG1-N [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HuTu 80 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - IM95 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KATO III [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KE-39 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LMSU [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MKN1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MKN45 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MKN7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MKN74 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCC-StC-K140 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-N87 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NUGC-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NUGC-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NUGC-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OCUM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Okajima [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RERF-GC-1B [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SH-10-TC [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-16 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-216 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-484 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-520 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-601 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-620 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-638 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-668 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-719 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TGBC11TKB [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_gastric_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-253 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BHY [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BICR 10 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BICR 16 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BICR 18 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BICR 22 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BICR 31 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BICR 56 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BICR 6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BICR 78 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-27 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-33 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Detroit 562 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DOK [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - FaDu [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HN [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HSC-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HSC-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HSC-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PE/CA-PJ15 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PE/CA-PJ34 (clone C12) [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PE/CA-PJ41 (clone D2) [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PE/CA-PJ49 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RPMI-2650 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SCC-15 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SCC-25 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SCC-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SCC-9 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1041 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1066 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1076 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1214 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-46 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-899 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - YD-10B [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - YD-15 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - YD-38 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - YD-8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_head_and_neck_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 769-P [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 786-O [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-498 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-704 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ACHN [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BFTC-909 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Caki-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Caki-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-54 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - G-402 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1011 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1319 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC89 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KMRC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KMRC-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KMRC-20 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KMRC-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OS-RC-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RCC10RGB [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-RC-20 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SLR21 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SLR23 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SLR24 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SLR25 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SLR26 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1272 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-349 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TK-10 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TUHR10TKB [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TUHR14TKB [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TUHR4TKB [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - UO-31 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - UOK101 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - VMRC-RCW [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - VMRC-RCZ [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_kidney_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 697 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - ALL-SIL [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - AML-193 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - BDCM [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - BV-173 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - CCRF-SB [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - CMK [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - CML-T1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - DND-41 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - EM-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - EoL-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - F-36P [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - GDM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - HAP1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - HEL [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - HEL 92.1.7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - HL-60 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - HMC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - HNT-34 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - HPB-ALL [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - JK-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - JM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - JURKAT [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - Jurkat E6.1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - JURL-MK1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - JVM-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - K-562 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - Kasumi-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - Kasumi-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - Kasumi-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - KCL-22 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - KE-37 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - KG-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - KO52 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - KOPN-8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - Ku812 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - KYO-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - LAMA-84 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - Loucy [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - M-07e [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - ME-1 [Human leukemia] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MEC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MEG-01 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MHH-CALL-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MHH-CALL-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MHH-CALL-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - ML-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MOLM-13 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MOLM-16 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MOLM-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MOLT-13 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MOLT-16 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MOLT-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MOLT-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - Mono-Mac-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - Mono-Mac-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MUTZ-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MUTZ-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - MV4-11 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - NALM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - NALM-19 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - NALM-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - NB4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - NCO2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - NOMO-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - OCI-AML-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - OCI-AML-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - OCI-AML-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - OCI-M1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - OCI-M2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - P12-Ichikawa [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - P31/FUJ [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - Peer [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - PF-382 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - PL-21 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - PLB-985 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - RCH-ACV [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - REH [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - RPMI-8402 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - RS4;11 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - SEM [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - SET-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - SIG-M5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - SKM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - SKNO-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - SUP-B15 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - SUP-T1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - SUP-T11 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - TALL-1 [Human adult T-ALL] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - TF-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - THP-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - U-937 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - UKE-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_leukemia |
Cell line RNA - Hep 3B2.1-7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hep-G2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HLF [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HuH-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HuH-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Huh-7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHH-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHH-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHH-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHH-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHH-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHH-7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Li-7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PLC/PRF/5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-HEP-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-182 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-387 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-398 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-423 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-449 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-475 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-761 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-878 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-886 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_liver_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-427 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-549 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ABC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ACC-MESO-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BEN [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-12T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Calu-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Calu-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Calu-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ChaGo-K-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 668 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 699 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COR-L105 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COR-L23 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COR-L24 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COR-L26 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COR-L279 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COR-L311 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COR-L47 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COR-L88 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COR-L95 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CPC-N [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DMS 114 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DMS 153 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DMS 273 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DMS 454 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DMS 53 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DMS 79 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DV-90 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EBC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EKVX [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EPLC-272H [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HARA [Human squamous cell lung carcinoma] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1171 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1195 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1359 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1438 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC15 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1534 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1588 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1833 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC193 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2108 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2270 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2279 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2302 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2429 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2450 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2814 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2885 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC2935 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC33 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC364 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC366 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC4006 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC4011 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC4017 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC44 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC461 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC515 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC78 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC827 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC827 GR5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC95 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HOP-62 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HOP-92 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - IA-LM [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - IST-Mes1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - IST-Mes2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JL-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KNS-62 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LC-1F [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LCLC-103H [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LCLC-97TM1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LK-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LOU-NH91 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Lu-65 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Lu-99 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LUDLU-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LXF 289 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LXFL 529L [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MOR [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MOR/CPR [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MPP 89 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MSTO-211H [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1048 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1092 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1105 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1155 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1184 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1299 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1341 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1355 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1373 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1385 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1395 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1435 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1436 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1437 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H146 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1563 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1568 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H157 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1573 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1581 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1618 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1623 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1648 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1650 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1651 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1666 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1693 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1694 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1703 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1734 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1755 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1770 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1781 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1792 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1793 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1819 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1836 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1838 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1869 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H187 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1876 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1882 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1915 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1930 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1944 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H196 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1963 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H1975 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2009 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2023 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2029 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2030 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2052 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2066 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2073 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2077 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2081 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2085 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2087 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H209 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2106 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H211 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2110 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2122 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2126 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2135 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2170 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2171 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2172 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2196 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2198 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2227 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2228 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H226 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2286 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2291 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H23 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2342 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2347 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2369 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2373 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2405 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2444 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2452 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2461 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2595 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2596 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2722 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2795 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H28 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2803 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2804 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2810 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2882 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2887 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H292 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H3122 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H322 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H3255 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H345 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H358 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H441 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H446 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H460 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H510A [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H520 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H522 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H524 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H526 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H596 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H647 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H650 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H661 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H69 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H727 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H810 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H82 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H820 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H838 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H841 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H847 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H854 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H889 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H920 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-N417 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PC-14 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PC-9 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RERF-LC-A1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RERF-LC-Ad1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RERF-LC-Ad2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RERF-LC-KJ [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RERF-LC-MS [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RERF-LC-OK [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RERF-LC-Sq1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SBC-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SCLC-21H [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SCLC-22H [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SHP-77 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-LU-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-MES-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Sq-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW1271 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW1573 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW900 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - T3M-10 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - UMC-11 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - VMRC-LCD [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lung_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A3/Kawakami [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - A4/Fukuda [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - BCP-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - BJAB [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - BL-41 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - BL-70 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - C8166 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - CA46 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Ci-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Daudi [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - DB [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - DEL [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - DoHH2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - EB1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - EB2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - EB3 [Human Burkitt lymphoma] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - EHEB [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Farage [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - GA-10 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Granta-519 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - HDLM-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - HH [Human lymphoma] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Hs 611.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - HT [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - HuT 102 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - HuT 78 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - JeKo-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Jiyoye [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - JVM-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Karpas-1106P [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Karpas-299 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Karpas-422 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Ki-JK [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - KM-H2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - L-1236 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - L-428 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - L-540 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - MC116 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - MHH-PREB-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Mino [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - MJ [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Namalwa [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - NU-DHL-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - NU-DUL-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - OCI-Ly10 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - OCI-Ly19 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - OCI-Ly3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - OCI-Ly7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - P3HR-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Pfeiffer [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Raji [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Ramos [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - RC-K8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - REC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Ri-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - RL [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Sc-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - SCC-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - SR [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - ST486 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - SU-DHL-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - SU-DHL-10 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - SU-DHL-16 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - SU-DHL-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - SU-DHL-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - SU-DHL-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - SU-DHL-8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - SUP-M2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - TK [Human B-cell lymphoma] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - TMD8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - Toledo [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - U-2932 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - U-698-M [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - WSU-DLCL2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - WSU-FSCCL [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - WSU-NHL [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_lymphoma |
Cell line RNA - AMO1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - EJM [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - HuNS1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - INA-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - JJN-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - Karpas-620 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - Karpas-707 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KE-97 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KHM-1B [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KMM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KMS-11 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KMS-12-BM [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KMS-18 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KMS-20 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KMS-21-BM [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KMS-26 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KMS-27 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KMS-28BM [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - KMS-34 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - L-363 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - LP-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - MM1.S [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - MOLP-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - MOLP-8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H929 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - OCI-My5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - OCI-My7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - OPM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - OPM-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - RPMI-8226 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - SK-MM-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - U-266/70 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - U-266/84 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - U266B1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_myeloma |
Cell line RNA - CHP-126 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - CHP-212 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - IMR-32 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - Kelly [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - KP-N-RT-BM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - KP-N-SI9s [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - KP-N-YN [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - MHH-NB-11 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - NB1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - NH-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - SH-SY5Y [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - SiMa [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - SK-N-AS [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - SK-N-BE(2) [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - SK-N-DZ [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - SK-N-FI [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - SK-N-SH [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_neuroblastoma |
Cell line RNA - ASC52telo [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - BJ [Human fibroblast] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - BJ1-hTERT [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - DM-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - fHDF/TERT166 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - HaCaT [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - HBEC3-KT [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - HBF/TERT88 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - HEK TE [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - HEK293 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - HLF-a [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - HMEL [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 172.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 229.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 255.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 274.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 281.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 343.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 600.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 606.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 616.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 618.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 675.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 688(A).T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 698.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 706.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 737.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 739.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 742.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 751.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 819.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 821.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 822.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 834.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 839.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 840.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 863.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 870.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 888.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 895.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 934.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - Hs 940.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - hTCEpi [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - hTEC/SVTERT24-B [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - hTERT-HME1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - hTERT-RPE1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - HUVEC/TERT2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - LHCN-M2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - MCF-10A [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - NHAHTDD [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - OELE [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - PODO/SVTERT152 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - PODO/TERT256 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - PrEC LH [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - RPTEC/TERT1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - RS-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - SALE [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - T1-73 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - TE 125.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - TE 159.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - TIG-3 TD [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - TIME [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - TO 175.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_non-cancerous |
Cell line RNA - 59M [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A2780 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Caov-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Caov-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 704 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COV318 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COV362 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COV413B [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COV434 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COV504 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COV644 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DOV13 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EFO-21 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EFO-27 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ES-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - FU-OV-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC630 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEY [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEY A8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 38.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - IGROV-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHOC-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHOM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHOM-2B [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHOS-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHOS-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Kuramochi [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MCAS [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OAW28 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OAW42 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OC 314 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ONCO-DG-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OV-90 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OV56 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OV7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVCA420 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVCA432 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVCA433 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVCAR-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVCAR-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVCAR-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVCAR-8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVISE [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVK18 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVKATE [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVMANA [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVSAHO [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - OVTOKO [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PA-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PEO1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RMG-I [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RMUG-S [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-OV-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-119 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-840 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TOV-112D [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TOV-21G [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TYK-nu [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_ovarian_cancer |
Cell line RNA - AsPC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BxPC-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Capan-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAPAN-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CFPAC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DAN-G [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HPAC [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HPAF-II [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 766T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HuP-T3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HuP-T4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KCI-MOH1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KLM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KP-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KP-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KP-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - L3.3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MIA PaCa-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Panc 02.03 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Panc 02.13 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Panc 03.27 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Panc 04.03 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Panc 05.04 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Panc 08.13 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Panc 10.05 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PANC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PaTu 8902 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PaTu 8988s [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PaTu 8988t [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PK-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PK-45H [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PK-45P [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PK-59 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PK-8 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PL45 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PSN1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - QGP-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-213 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-324 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-410 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SU.86.86 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SUIT-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW1990 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - T3M-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TCC-Pan2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - YAPC [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_pancreatic_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 22Rv1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_prostate_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DU145 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_prostate_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LNCaP [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_prostate_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LNCaP clone FGC [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_prostate_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-PCa-2b [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_prostate_cancer |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H660 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_prostate_cancer |
Cell line RNA - PC-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_prostate_cancer |
Cell line RNA - VCaP [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_prostate_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-204 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - BT-12 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - G-401 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - KD [Human abdomen rhabdoid tumor] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - KP-MRT-RY [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - KYM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - MON [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - NCI-H2004RT [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - STM91-01 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - Tm87-16 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - TTC-1240 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - TTC-549 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - TTC-642 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - TTC-709 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_rhabdoid |
Cell line RNA - GCT [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - HT-1080 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - MES-SA [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - RD [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - Rh18 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - Rh30 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - Rh41 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - RKN [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - S-117 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - SK-LMS-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - SK-UT-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - SW982 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - TE 441.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - TE 617.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - U-2197 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_sarcoma |
Cell line RNA - 537-mel [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 624-mel [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 888-mel [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-375 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A-431 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A101D [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - A2058 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - C32 [Human melanoma] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CJM [Human melanoma] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 679 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 741 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 783 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 792 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 794 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 800 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 829 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 849 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - DEOC-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - G-361 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HMCB [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HMY-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 294T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 695T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 852.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 936.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 939.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Hs 944.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HT-144 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - IGR-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - IGR-37 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - IGR-39 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - IPC-298 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - K029AX [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - LOX-IMVI [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Malme-3M [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-435 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MDA-MB-435S [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Mel 928 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Mel Ho [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Mel JuSo [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MeWo [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RPMI-7951 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RVH-421 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SH-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-MEL-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-MEL-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-MEL-23 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-MEL-24 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-MEL-28 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-MEL-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-MEL-30 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-MEL-31 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SK-MEL-5 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - UACC-257 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - UACC-62 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - UCSD-242L [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - WM115 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - WM1799 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - WM266-4 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - WM793 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - WM88 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - WM983B [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_skin_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SuSa [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_testis_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 8305C [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - 8505C [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - B-CPAP [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - BHT-101 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - CAL-62 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - FTC-133 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - FTC-238 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ML-1 [Human thyroid carcinoma] [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SW579 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TT [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TT2609-C02 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_thyroid_cancer |
Cell line RNA - AF22 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - ASC2telo differentiated [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - BEWO [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - BJ hTERT+ SV40 Large T+ [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - BJ hTERT+ SV40 Large T+ RasG12V [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - HBL-100 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - HD-MY-Z [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - HHSteC [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - Hs 729.T [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - HSkMC [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - NTERA-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uncategorized |
Cell line RNA - AN3-CA [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - COLO 684 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EFE-184 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - EN [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - ESS-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HCC1162 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEC-1-A [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEC-1-B [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEC-108 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEC-151 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEC-251 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEC-265 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEC-50B [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEC-59 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - HEC-6 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - Ishikawa (Heraklio) 02 ER- [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHUEM-1 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHUEM-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHUEM-3 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - JHUEM-7 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - KLE [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MFE-280 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MFE-296 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - MFE-319 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - RL95-2 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNG-M [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-1077 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - SNU-685 [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |
Cell line RNA - TEN [nTPM] |
cell_RNA_uterine_cancer |