The tissue cell type section - Explore the cell type specificity of genes in human tissues

ERV3-1 - Skin

IYD - Thyroid

The Tissue Cell Type section contains cell type expression specificity predictions for all human protein coding genes, generated using integrated network analysis of publicly available bulk RNAseq data. A specificity classification is used to predict which genes are enriched in each constituent cell type within an individual tissue. The data can be explored on a tissue-by-tissue basis, together with in-house generated immunohistochemically stained tissue sections. In addition, a core cell type analysis focuses on the cell types found in all, or the majority, of the profiled tissues, e.g., endothelial cells or macrophages. Here, genes with predicted specificity in these core cell types in multiple tissues are detailed. More information about the specific content and data analysis in the section can be found in the Methods Summary.

Learn about:

  • if a gene is predicted to have cell type specificity within a given tissue
  • which genes have a common cell type specificity prediction within each tissue
  • the catalogue of genes with predicted specificity in core cell types across tissues


Selecting a tissue will show tissue information, the cell types analyzed and which genes had predicted specificity in each, together with example immunohistochemistry protein staining.


The cell types in this section are analyzed in many of the tissues profiled. Here, you can explore which genes have predicted enriched expression in these cell types, across multiple tissue types.


Tissue Cell type Very highHighModerate Enriched
Adipose subcutaneous Adipocytes (Subcutaneous) 514 70 20 604
Endothelial cells 67 57 43 167
Smooth muscle cells 156 95 80 331
Adipose progenitor cells 25 112 103 240
Macrophages 118 115 107 340
Mast cells 13 8 15 36
T-cells 10 71 80 161
Plasma cells 26 62 12 100
Adipose visceral Adipocytes (Visceral) 462 69 26 557
Mesothelial cells 136 152 127 415
Endothelial cells 46 65 104 215
Smooth muscle cells 57 32 28 117
Adipose progenitor cells 11 56 284 351
Macrophages 78 72 71 221
Neutrophils 33 17 12 62
Mast cells 4 6 6 16
T-cells 18 100 132 250
Plasma cells 79 53 16 148
Breast Breast glandular cells 1 30 250 270
Breast glandular cells (progenitors) 3 5 20 28
Breast myoepithelial cells 0 6 60 66
Adipocytes (Breast) 316 170 124 610
Endothelial cells 89 98 101 288
Smooth muscle cells 0 4 27 31
Fibroblasts 23 75 140 238
Macrophages 51 35 41 127
T-cells 13 70 125 208
Plasma cells 121 77 29 227
Colon Colon enterocytes 180 98 91 369
Colon enteroendocrine cells 133 124 81 338
Enteric glia cells 77 104 59 240
Mitotic cells (Colon) 14 33 38 85
Endothelial cells 5 61 153 219
Smooth muscle cells 94 46 26 166
Fibroblasts 0 5 37 42
Macrophages 26 40 77 143
Neutrophils 7 24 34 65
Mast cells 9 12 8 29
T-cells 2 28 78 108
Plasma cells 12 47 55 114
Heart muscle Cardiomyocytes 1 183 730 914
Mitotic cells (Heart) 7 15 34 56
Endothelial cells 9 44 138 191
Smooth muscle cells 2 10 26 38
Fibroblasts 12 98 252 362
Macrophages 3 21 111 135
Neutrophils 11 21 18 50
T-cells 6 27 42 75
Plasma cells 28 37 13 78
Kidney Podocytes 43 37 32 112
Proximal tubular cells 373 185 158 658
Ascending Loop of Henle cells 8 21 42 71
Intercalated cells 12 32 31 75
Endothelial cells 14 48 228 290
Fibroblasts 4 65 214 283
Macrophages 18 40 32 90
T-cells 0 7 105 112
Plasma cells 0 1 88 89
Liver Hepatocytes 418 341 511 1265
Cholangiocyte 3 16 38 57
NK-cells (Liver) 8 5 20 33
Erythroid cells 22 5 4 31
Endothelial cells 7 47 276 330
Hepatic stellate cells 52 111 153 316
Kupffer cells 0 15 83 98
Neutrophils 17 12 22 51
T-cells 1 18 54 73
Plasma cells 14 89 40 143
Lung Respiratory ciliated cells 590 53 37 680
Alveolar cells type 1 43 42 48 133
Alveolar cells type 2 20 122 221 363
Mitotic cells (Lung) 111 26 16 153
NK-cells (Lung) 3 13 40 56
B-cells 4 1 6 11
Endothelial cells 0 9 88 97
Smooth muscle cells 14 13 36 63
Fibroblasts 28 64 165 257
Macrophages 4 51 104 159
Neutrophils 60 52 47 159
Mast cells 10 4 3 17
T-cells 6 29 54 89
Plasma cells 166 15 4 185
Pancreas Alpha cells 37 98 87 222
Beta cells 57 82 62 201
Ductal cells 6 24 85 115
Exocrine glandular cells 38 1 0 39
Endothelial cells 0 10 37 47
Fibroblasts 0 12 60 72
Macrophages 1 11 74 86
T-cells 0 7 31 38
Plasma cells 70 48 23 141
Prostate Prostate glandular cells 261 121 56 438
Prostate basal glandular cells 4 26 75 105
Urothelial cells 19 54 86 159
Endothelial cells 55 55 67 177
Smooth muscle cells 126 117 108 351
Fibroblasts 59 94 132 285
Macrophages 23 41 31 95
T-cells 0 32 150 182
Plasma cells 9 89 45 143
Skeletal muscle Skeletal myocytes 63 107 180 328
Endothelial cells 4 37 196 237
Smooth muscle cells 3 12 26 41
Fibroblasts 0 53 285 338
Macrophages 25 55 98 178
Neutrophils 13 9 12 34
Plasma cells 23 32 14 69
Skin Keratinocyte (other) 125 255 354 734
Keratinocyte (granular) 91 61 56 208
Melanocytes 9 3 5 17
Hair cortex cells 0 27 21 48
Inner root sheath cells 0 4 18 22
Outer root sheath cells 1 14 104 119
Sebaceous gland cells 92 63 51 206
Eccrine sweat gland cells 61 73 111 245
Langerhans cells 2 3 15 20
Adipocytes (Skin) 2 10 14 26
Mitotic cells (Skin) 68 47 75 190
Endothelial cells 3 37 173 213
Smooth muscle cells 6 13 17 36
Fibroblasts 10 45 161 210
Macrophages 2 14 40 56
Mast cells 0 6 6 12
T-cells 3 13 42 58
Plasma cells 38 50 11 99
Stomach Parietal cells 1 25 48 74
Chief cells 0 5 51 56
Gastric mucous cells 0 42 337 379
Gastric enteroendocrine cells 0 15 32 47
Mitotic cells (Stomach) 63 57 50 170
Endothelial cells 0 5 79 84
Fibroblasts 0 5 161 166
Macrophages 10 30 115 155
Neutrophils 4 5 12 21
T-cells 0 0 23 23
Plasma cells 0 0 186 186
Testis Spermatogonia 249 336 438 1023
Spermatocytes 947 192 167 1306
Early spermatids 3675 3 0 3678
Late spermatids 2376 0 0 2376
Sertoli cells 50 188 376 614
Leydig cells 0 4 16 20
Peritubular cells 0 4 38 42
Endothelial cells 0 12 97 109
Macrophages 1 5 54 60
Thyroid Parafollicular cells 30 13 4 47
Thyroid glandular cells 718 548 332 1598
Mitotic cells (Thyroid) 33 25 11 69
Endothelial cells 8 25 37 70
Smooth muscle cells 15 32 39 86
Fibroblasts 11 126 326 463
Macrophages 45 32 40 117
Neutrophils 19 12 4 35
T-cells 35 119 196 350
Plasma cells 99 39 44 182