Cell line expression cluster
The interactive UMAP plot displays the 72 gene clusters resulting from Louvain clustering of gene expression across all cell lines. General information about the different clusters regarding annotation and number of included genes is shown upon mouse-over, while clicking on a specific cluster in the table will highlight the selected cluster in the plot and display the general information together with a heatmap of the RNA expression across all cell lines for corresponding genes and a Gene Ontology treemap showing the enrichment of GO-terms in the cluster, where applicable. Adrenocortical cancer, Leukemia, Thyroid cancerBile duct cancer, Gallbladder cancer, Liver cancer Colorectal cancer, Gastric cancer, Head and Neck cancer Bladder cancer, Kidney cancer Bone cancer, Lymphoma Myeloma Brain cancer, Neuroblastoma Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, Ovarian cancer, Uterine cancer Rhabdoid Skin cancer Prostate cancer, Sarcoma, Testis cancer Other Non-Specific |