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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni Prognostic p-valuei x
FCER1GFc epsilon receptor Ig
Renal cancer: 1.83e-6
FCGR1AFc gamma receptor Ia
Renal cancer: 4.83e-8
FCGR3AFc gamma receptor IIIa
Renal cancer: 3.22e-6
FGD2FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 2
FLT3Fms related receptor tyrosine kinase 3
FPR3Formyl peptide receptor 3
Testis cancer: 9.13e-4
GMFGGlia maturation factor gamma
Renal cancer: 9.11e-6
Cervical cancer: 7.35e-4
GPR34G protein-coupled receptor 34
GPSM3G protein signaling modulator 3
Renal cancer: 6.92e-9
Endometrial cancer: 5.98e-4
GRNGranulin precursor
Glioma: 8.78e-4
HAVCR2Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2
HCKHCK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase
Renal cancer: 1.66e-4
HCLS1Hematopoietic cell-specific Lyn substrate 1
HK3Hexokinase 3
Renal cancer: 3.84e-8
HLA-DRAMajor histocompatibility complex, class II, DR alpha
Colorectal cancer: 5.30e-4
HMOX1Heme oxygenase 1
Liver cancer: 1.59e-4
IGFLR1IGF like family receptor 1
Ovarian cancer: 1.59e-5
Cervical cancer: 6.55e-4
IGSF6Immunoglobulin superfamily member 6
Endometrial cancer: 1.54e-5
Cervical cancer: 4.92e-4
IL10RAInterleukin 10 receptor subunit alpha
Renal cancer: 1.45e-5
Head and neck cancer: 4.47e-4
IL2RAInterleukin 2 receptor subunit alpha
Renal cancer: 2.08e-9
IRF5Interferon regulatory factor 5
ITGB2Integrin subunit beta 2
KTI12KTI12 chromatin associated homolog
Liver cancer: 1.02e-4
LAIR1Leukocyte associated immunoglobulin like receptor 1
Renal cancer: 5.01e-5
LAPTM5Lysosomal protein transmembrane 5
Renal cancer: 5.89e-5
Cervical cancer: 3.40e-4
LAT2Linker for activation of T cells family member 2
Renal cancer: 4.10e-4
Testis cancer: 6.10e-4
LCP1Lymphocyte cytosolic protein 1
Renal cancer: 4.70e-4
LILRA1Leukocyte immunoglobulin like receptor A1
LILRA2Leukocyte immunoglobulin like receptor A2
LILRB1Leukocyte immunoglobulin like receptor B1
Renal cancer: 3.08e-6
LILRB2Leukocyte immunoglobulin like receptor B2
Renal cancer: 5.45e-7
LILRB4Leukocyte immunoglobulin like receptor B4
LRRC25Leucine rich repeat containing 25
Testis cancer: 6.93e-4
LST1Leukocyte specific transcript 1
Renal cancer: 5.97e-5
Testis cancer: 7.62e-4
Cervical cancer: 7.89e-4
LY86Lymphocyte antigen 86
Testis cancer: 5.61e-4
MFSD1Major facilitator superfamily domain containing 1
Renal cancer: 5.60e-5
MPEG1Macrophage expressed 1
MRC1Mannose receptor C-type 1
MRPL13Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L13
Breast cancer: 1.37e-4
MS4A4AMembrane spanning 4-domains A4A
MS4A6AMembrane spanning 4-domains A6A
Cervical cancer: 6.33e-4
MS4A7Membrane spanning 4-domains A7
MTX1Metaxin 1
Renal cancer: 3.39e-4
MYD88MYD88 innate immune signal transduction adaptor
Breast cancer: 8.45e-4
NCF4Neutrophil cytosolic factor 4
Renal cancer: 7.06e-8
NCKAP1LNCK associated protein 1 like
NFAM1NFAT activating protein with ITAM motif 1
Endometrial cancer: 6.16e-4
NLRC4NLR family CARD domain containing 4
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