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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
TBCCD1TBCC domain containing 1
TEN1TEN1 subunit of CST complex
TGIF2TGFB induced factor homeobox 2
THOC3THO complex subunit 3
THSD8Thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 8
THTPAThiamine triphosphatase
TIRAPTIR domain containing adaptor protein
TMCO6Transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 6
TMED7-TICAM2TMED7-TICAM2 readthrough
TMEM35BTransmembrane protein 35B
TMPPETransmembrane protein with metallophosphoesterase domain
TNFSF13TNF superfamily member 13
TOMM5Translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 5
TRAPPC14Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 14
TRAPPC5Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 5
TREX1Three prime repair exonuclease 1
TRIM34Tripartite motif containing 34
TRNT1TRNA nucleotidyl transferase 1
TRPC4APTransient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 4 associated protein
TSFMTs translation elongation factor, mitochondrial
TTC4Tetratricopeptide repeat domain 4
TVP23BTrans-golgi network vesicle protein 23 homolog B
TXNDC12Thioredoxin domain containing 12
TYW1TRNA-yW synthesizing protein 1 homolog
U2AF1U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1
U2AF2U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 2
UBE2V1Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 V1
UBIAD1UbiA prenyltransferase domain containing 1
UBLCP1Ubiquitin like domain containing CTD phosphatase 1
UBR4Ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 4
USF1Upstream transcription factor 1
USP19Ubiquitin specific peptidase 19
USP21Ubiquitin specific peptidase 21
UTYUbiquitously transcribed tetratricopeptide repeat containing, Y-linked
VARS2Valyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial
VPS52VPS52 subunit of GARP complex
WASHC2CWASH complex subunit 2C
WBP1WW domain binding protein 1
WDR83OSWD repeat domain 83 opposite strand
XPO4Exportin 4
ZACNZinc activated ion channel
ZBED6Zinc finger BED-type containing 6
ZBTB12Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 12
ZBTB9Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 9
ZC3H11AZinc finger CCCH-type containing 11A
ZCCHC4Zinc finger CCHC-type containing 4
ZFYZinc finger protein Y-linked
ZGPATZinc finger CCCH-type and G-patch domain containing
ZNF10Zinc finger protein 10
ZNF23Zinc finger protein 23
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