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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
HNF4AHepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha
HOXC10Homeobox C10
HPD4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase
HSD17B10Hydroxysteroid 17-beta dehydrogenase 10
HSD17B14Hydroxysteroid 17-beta dehydrogenase 14
HYAL1Hyaluronidase 1
IDNKIDNK gluconokinase
IMPA2Inositol monophosphatase 2
INSCINSC spindle orientation adaptor protein
ISOC2Isochorismatase domain containing 2
L3HYPDHTrans-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase
LDHDLactate dehydrogenase D
LGSNLengsin, lens protein with glutamine synthetase domain
LHPPPhospholysine phosphohistidine inorganic pyrophosphate phosphatase
LSM3LSM3 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated
LYG1Lysozyme g1
MACROD1Mono-ADP ribosylhydrolase 1
MCCD1Mitochondrial coiled-coil domain 1
MED11Mediator complex subunit 11
MIOXMyo-inositol oxygenase
MRPS11Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S11
MRPS36Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S36
MSH3MutS homolog 3
MSRB1Methionine sulfoxide reductase B1
MSRB2Methionine sulfoxide reductase B2
MT1EMetallothionein 1E
MT1FMetallothionein 1F
MT1GMetallothionein 1G
MT1HMetallothionein 1H
MT1XMetallothionein 1X
MT2AMetallothionein 2A
MTNR1AMelatonin receptor 1A
NIPSNAP1Nipsnap homolog 1
NIT2Nitrilase family member 2
NQO2N-ribosyldihydronicotinamide:quinone reductase 2
NR1I3Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group I member 3
NUDT6Nudix hydrolase 6
OGG18-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase
OSBPL8Oxysterol binding protein like 8
PCK1Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1
PEBP1Phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1
PECRPeroxisomal trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase
PHYHPhytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase
PHYHD1Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase domain containing 1
PIPOXPipecolic acid and sarcosine oxidase
PLAAT2Phospholipase A and acyltransferase 2
PLAAT3Phospholipase A and acyltransferase 3
PLCXD2Phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C X domain containing 2
PNPLA1Patatin like phospholipase domain containing 1
POLDIP2DNA polymerase delta interacting protein 2
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