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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni Prognostic p-valuei x
LEF1Lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1
Renal cancer: 2.47e-6
Endometrial cancer: 1.37e-5
LY75Lymphocyte antigen 75
Renal cancer: 2.39e-5
Urothelial cancer: 3.86e-4
MCM3Minichromosome maintenance complex component 3
Thyroid cancer: 3.13e-5
Melanoma: 4.40e-5
Liver cancer: 1.40e-4
Cervical cancer: 1.89e-4
MTRFRMitochondrial translation release factor in rescue
Liver cancer: 4.29e-9
Urothelial cancer: 7.82e-5
N4BP2NEDD4 binding protein 2
NDC1NDC1 transmembrane nucleoporin
Liver cancer: 7.52e-7
Colorectal cancer: 4.48e-5
Pancreatic cancer: 3.58e-4
NEIL3Nei like DNA glycosylase 3
Lung cancer: 1.16e-4
Endometrial cancer: 5.45e-4
NFATC3Nuclear factor of activated T cells 3
NPFFR2Neuropeptide FF receptor 2
NSMAFNeutral sphingomyelinase activation associated factor
Renal cancer: 4.61e-9
NUP37Nucleoporin 37
Liver cancer: 7.70e-6
Head and neck cancer: 6.72e-4
PITPNM2Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein membrane associated 2
POLA1DNA polymerase alpha 1, catalytic subunit
Liver cancer: 4.80e-5
PPP1R8Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 8
Liver cancer: 2.19e-5
PRSS16Serine protease 16
Ovarian cancer: 6.46e-5
PSMB11Proteasome subunit beta 11
PTCRAPre T cell antigen receptor alpha
PTPN2Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 2
Renal cancer: 1.20e-8
Ovarian cancer: 1.37e-4
RAB42RAB42, member RAS oncogene family
RAD21RAD21 cohesin complex component
Liver cancer: 1.71e-4
RAG1Recombination activating 1
RAG2Recombination activating 2
RGS10Regulator of G protein signaling 10
Renal cancer: 4.20e-10
Endometrial cancer: 6.32e-4
Cervical cancer: 6.81e-4
RHBDD1Rhomboid domain containing 1
RHNO1RAD9-HUS1-RAD1 interacting nuclear orphan 1
Renal cancer: 5.74e-13
Liver cancer: 2.20e-4
RNASEH2BRibonuclease H2 subunit B
Renal cancer: 2.54e-8
RRM1Ribonucleotide reductase catalytic subunit M1
Liver cancer: 1.53e-4
SATB1SATB homeobox 1
Renal cancer: 1.96e-7
Pancreatic cancer: 8.97e-4
SEPTIN6Septin 6
SETSET nuclear proto-oncogene
Liver cancer: 9.41e-7
SH2D1ASH2 domain containing 1A
Renal cancer: 4.94e-6
Breast cancer: 2.03e-4
SH3TC1SH3 domain and tetratricopeptide repeats 1
SIRPGSignal regulatory protein gamma
Melanoma: 7.36e-7
Endometrial cancer: 1.05e-6
Renal cancer: 1.47e-6
Head and neck cancer: 2.24e-4
SIT1Signaling threshold regulating transmembrane adaptor 1
Endometrial cancer: 1.94e-6
Renal cancer: 1.75e-5
Head and neck cancer: 1.14e-4
Cervical cancer: 6.56e-4
Melanoma: 8.17e-4
SKAP1Src kinase associated phosphoprotein 1
Urothelial cancer: 3.14e-4
Breast cancer: 5.07e-4
SLAMF1Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family member 1
SLC7A3Solute carrier family 7 member 3
SMARCC1SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily c member 1
Colorectal cancer: 3.34e-4
Liver cancer: 3.37e-4
SMC1AStructural maintenance of chromosomes 1A
SNRNP40Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein U5 subunit 40
Liver cancer: 4.73e-6
SSBP2Single stranded DNA binding protein 2
STAG2Stromal antigen 2
TBATAThymus, brain and testes associated
TCF12Transcription factor 12
Renal cancer: 5.24e-5
Melanoma: 8.89e-4
TCF7Transcription factor 7
TFDP2Transcription factor Dp-2
Cervical cancer: 6.32e-4
Renal cancer: 9.84e-4
THEMISThymocyte selection associated
TMIGD2Transmembrane and immunoglobulin domain containing 2
TNFSF4TNF superfamily member 4
TNFSF8TNF superfamily member 8
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