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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni
PID1Phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 1
PNKPPolynucleotide kinase 3'-phosphatase
POLR2LRNA polymerase II, I and III subunit L
POU6F2POU class 6 homeobox 2
PPIGPeptidylprolyl isomerase G
PRKAA1Protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 1
PRR20CProline rich 20C
PRR20DProline rich 20D
RAD54L2RAD54 like 2
RALYLRALY RNA binding protein like
RBM10RNA binding motif protein 10
RBM39RNA binding motif protein 39
RIPPLY1Ripply transcriptional repressor 1
RNF4Ring finger protein 4
RPL22Ribosomal protein L22
RPS25Ribosomal protein S25
SAP30BPSAP30 binding protein
SLU7SLU7 homolog, splicing factor
SPANXN2SPANX family member N2
SREK1IP1SREK1 interacting protein 1
STRBPSpermatid perinuclear RNA binding protein
TCEA2Transcription elongation factor A2
TPM3Tropomyosin 3
TRAF5TNF receptor associated factor 5
TRIM26Tripartite motif containing 26
TTLL10Tubulin tyrosine ligase like 10
U2AF2U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 2
YES1YES proto-oncogene 1, Src family tyrosine kinase
ZBTB48Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 48
ZCCHC10Zinc finger CCHC-type containing 10
ZNF408Zinc finger protein 408
ZNF526Zinc finger protein 526
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