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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Braini Single celli Tissue celli Pathologyi Diseasei Immunei Bloodi Subcelli Cell linei Structurei Interactioni Prognostic p-valuei x
CNPPD1Cyclin Pas1/PHO80 domain containing 1
Renal cancer: 1.62e-10
Liver cancer: 2.04e-4
CORO1BCoronin 1B
Endometrial cancer: 1.65e-4
COX15Cytochrome c oxidase assembly homolog COX15
Renal cancer: 9.21e-6
CRYBB1Crystallin beta B1
CSF1RColony stimulating factor 1 receptor
Renal cancer: 1.08e-4
Testis cancer: 4.92e-4
CSTBCystatin B
Liver cancer: 6.66e-5
Renal cancer: 2.10e-4
CTSLCathepsin L
Lung cancer: 5.15e-5
Glioma: 3.73e-4
Renal cancer: 4.34e-4
CXCL10C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10
Renal cancer: 1.16e-6
Ovarian cancer: 1.12e-5
Pancreatic cancer: 4.61e-4
CXCL16C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 16
CYSRT1Cysteine rich tail 1
DAPK3Death associated protein kinase 3
Endometrial cancer: 2.01e-5
Renal cancer: 6.49e-4
DEFA1BDefensin alpha 1B
DENND2BDENN domain containing 2B
DHX58DExH-box helicase 58
Breast cancer: 3.45e-4
DOCK2Dedicator of cytokinesis 2
DRAM1DNA damage regulated autophagy modulator 1
Endometrial cancer: 6.52e-8
Renal cancer: 3.91e-4
EGR2Early growth response 2
Breast cancer: 7.30e-5
EIF4G2Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 2
Liver cancer: 6.18e-5
Renal cancer: 1.67e-4
Liver cancer: 5.62e-6
Renal cancer: 4.26e-4
Head and neck cancer: 6.61e-4
ENSG00000249141Novel protein
ENSG00000289692Novel protein
EPB41L3Erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 3
ERICH1Glutamate rich 1
ERP44Endoplasmic reticulum protein 44
Head and neck cancer: 5.69e-4
EWSR1EWS RNA binding protein 1
Liver cancer: 1.27e-6
Renal cancer: 1.21e-5
FAM110BFamily with sequence similarity 110 member B
Endometrial cancer: 3.88e-8
Renal cancer: 4.31e-8
Pancreatic cancer: 1.44e-4
FBXO30F-box protein 30
FILIP1LFilamin A interacting protein 1 like
Renal cancer: 9.40e-4
FLIIFLII actin remodeling protein
FLVCR2FLVCR heme transporter 2
Renal cancer: 2.53e-5
FZD1Frizzled class receptor 1
Renal cancer: 8.87e-7
GLAGalactosidase alpha
Liver cancer: 5.62e-5
Stomach cancer: 6.16e-4
GLYR1Glyoxylate reductase 1 homolog
Renal cancer: 8.74e-7
GMEB1Glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 1
Liver cancer: 8.91e-7
Endometrial cancer: 1.94e-4
GNSGlucosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase
Liver cancer: 1.94e-5
Glioma: 7.76e-4
GORASP1Golgi reassembly stacking protein 1
Renal cancer: 1.91e-6
Endometrial cancer: 6.92e-6
Liver cancer: 5.13e-4
GPBAR1G protein-coupled bile acid receptor 1
GPNMBGlycoprotein nmb
GPR20G protein-coupled receptor 20
GPTGlutamic--pyruvic transaminase
Liver cancer: 1.47e-5
Renal cancer: 2.19e-4
GUCA2BGuanylate cyclase activator 2B
HBEGFHeparin binding EGF like growth factor
Head and neck cancer: 2.41e-4
Prostate cancer: 6.00e-4
Pancreatic cancer: 7.09e-4
HK1Hexokinase 1
Head and neck cancer: 3.39e-6
HMOX1Heme oxygenase 1
Liver cancer: 1.59e-4
IFIH1Interferon induced with helicase C domain 1
IL10Interleukin 10
INPP5DInositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase D
Head and neck cancer: 2.03e-5
INSIG1Insulin induced gene 1
Thyroid cancer: 9.62e-4
IRAK3Interleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 3
Renal cancer: 6.23e-4
JDP2Jun dimerization protein 2
Colorectal cancer: 8.58e-5
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