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ABT1Activator of basal transcription 1
ANKRD36BAnkyrin repeat domain 36B
AP1M1Adaptor related protein complex 1 subunit mu 1
ASB6Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 6
ATF7Activating transcription factor 7
AURKAIP1Aurora kinase A interacting protein 1
BAG6BAG cochaperone 6
BARD1BRCA1 associated RING domain 1
BCL2A1BCL2 related protein A1
BLOC1S2Biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 2
BRME1Break repair meiotic recombinase recruitment factor 1
BYSLBystin like
C8orf33Chromosome 8 open reading frame 33
CCDC106Coiled-coil domain containing 106
CCDC116Coiled-coil domain containing 116
CCDC198Coiled-coil domain containing 198
CCDC70Coiled-coil domain containing 70
CDC23Cell division cycle 23
CDC37Cell division cycle 37, HSP90 cochaperone
CDC42EP4CDC42 effector protein 4
CDCA7LCell division cycle associated 7 like
CENPLCentromere protein L
CEP95Centrosomal protein 95
CHRAC1Chromatin accessibility complex subunit 1
CLCN1Chloride voltage-gated channel 1
CSDE1Cold shock domain containing E1
CWF19L2CWF19 like cell cycle control factor 2
DAPK2Death associated protein kinase 2
DAXXDeath domain associated protein
DENND2DDENN domain containing 2D
DNAJC15DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C15
EBNA1BP2EBNA1 binding protein 2
ECH1Enoyl-CoA hydratase 1
EIF3GEukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit G
ELOAElongin A
FAM161AFAM161 centrosomal protein A
FAM9AFamily with sequence similarity 9 member A
FASTKD3FAST kinase domains 3
FCHSD2FCH and double SH3 domains 2
FERD3LFer3 like bHLH transcription factor
FNDC11Fibronectin type III domain containing 11
GFOD1Glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 1
GOPCGolgi associated PDZ and coiled-coil motif containing
GRAMD4GRAM domain containing 4
GSTK1Glutathione S-transferase kappa 1
HAPSTR1HUWE1 associated protein modifying stress responses
IBSPIntegrin binding sialoprotein
ISCUIron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme
JAZF1JAZF zinc finger 1
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