News Articles

Building a high-resolution map of proteins in sperm


Sperm cells are highly specialized for their function in reproduction and have a unique structure among the human cell types. Similarly, the repertoire of proteins that are present in sperm comprise many cell-type specific components. Researchers affiliated with the Human Protein Atlas have started to map proteins in human sperm using immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy to complement and further build on the comprehensive studies of the sperm proteome that so far mainly have been performed using mass spectrometry. This new approach gives a detailed view of the presence and subcellular localization of proteins in sperm, with single-cell resolution...Read more

CFAP300 - A new standard marker for cilia?


With the recent release of version 24 of the Human Protein Atlas we provide a detailed map of 654 proteins that localize to a small, but important organelle, called the primary cilium. This tiny protrusion is present on most human cell types and serves as a cellular antenna, providing a compartment that is optimal for carefully sensing, transducing and relaying information from the extracellular environment...Read more

HSP60 - From Stress to Success


Proper three-dimensional structure of proteins is paramount to their function, and misfolded proteins not only lead to loss of that function but to aggregates that can disrupt cellular processes. In ideal conditions, proteins fold spontaneously into their native three-dimensional structures, driven by their amino acid sequence (Ellis, 1999). However, in the crowded and stressed environment of the cell, assistance is often required to avoid misfolding and aggregation. This week we highlight heat shock protein 60 (HSP60), pictured here in the mitochondria of U2OS cells. As a member of the class 1 chaperonin family, HSP60 assists in the folding of newly translated, imported, or denatured proteins in the mitochondrial matrix, particularly under conditions of stress such as high temperatures or UV light ( Hartl, 1996)...Read more

Unlocking Immune Diversity: The RAG Recombinase


The defense mechanism of our adaptive immune system relies on the antigen-recognition abilities of two molecules: T cell receptors (TCRs), attached to the surface of T cells, and immunoglobins (Igs), anchored to and secreted by B cells. These molecules are equipped with pockets that bind with remarkable selectivity to a specific antigen. Our bodies maintain an estimated 1014 specificities for Igs and a whopping 1018 for TCRs. Considering our entire genome harbors approximately 105 genes, how is this diversity achieved?..Read more

Claudin-3 - the "sealing" component of tight junctions

CLDN3 in MCF-7 cells.jpg

Tight junctions are cell-cell contacts formed at the apical-most part of the lateral membrane between polarized cells and are important players in maintaining the homeostasis and the integrity of epithelia and endothelia. Claudin-3 is one of the central components in tight junction complexes...Read more